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About Bobio

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  1. Go to the wow armory and load yourself.. then open Ask Mr. robot and there will be no wait time..little trick i learned and it works great..
  2. This site is awesome! easy to read and the guides are wonderful, you all are doing a great job! Thank you very much!
  3. Thanks guys for clearing that up! This is a great website and all my friends and guildies are recomending it.. It is such a good format you have here, easy to read and you guys do a great job, unlike EJ which is just to much over thinking on specs, builds, talents and so on..Keep up the good work and once again..Thanks!
  4. You said.. Curse of Elements -> Haunt -> Demon Soul -> Soulburn: Soul Swap -> Spam Malefic Grasp what or where is Demon soul? I dont see that in my spell book,,,
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