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lynx last won the day on November 28 2014

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About lynx

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  1. Replacing the bar button is impossible as such action would trivialize most specs in the game. However, what you can do is put an aura which tells whether flame shock is active on your current target and how much time it has left, or just put a big Flame Shock/Frost Shock icon according to the situation. According to that you can decide whether to renew flame shock or cast frost shock.
  2. Need to be careful about simming disc heals as this is a relatively new module in simc and might contain bugs. Better to go through a short "fight" log to see if anything is fishy there. If yes, then load up the simc project run debugger and see what's up.
  3. lynx

    HP frustrations

    Healing meters are fine when they have a context. Without context they don't tell anything. For example, you can look at healing meter in a period tank got pounded and you kept him up (or at least tried to). Compare HPS to his DTPS see what you casted and in what order and think how you could do better. On the other hand collective number for the whole fight tells very little, because fights have phases with lulz in between, this is just a snipe contest in which disc usually wins. As holy, during lulz I just switch to red and go dps. On red, smite is mana positive and it contributes re
  4. @Scaver, Stoove just explained what it means. To go into more details about what's going on now, unless a DOT/HOT has a specialized note on it which states otherwise, it's updated dynamically. This includes: the amount of ticks (by introducing partial tick at the end), power of each tick, crit, mastery, and whatever else. This resembles the behavior of totems and "pets" (the apostrophe are because some spells are counted as pets because you summon them or whatever). Totems didn't have partial ticks, but the point should be clear. What this means to the average Joe is that you can (and in ma
  5. Just saw this topic (I must be blind). Anywho, the FS+ES aura is no longer necessary and not because ES was replaced by Frost Shock but because the removal of snapshotting. Right now it works like this: Flame Shock is not running or has less than 9 seconds remaining on target (pandemic)? If yes then apply Flame Shock. Otherwise, if all your other skills are on cd use Frost Shock. Basically this means that the only aura you might want is one which tells the remaining duration of Flame Shock on your target, and this doesn't require any scripting at all. I can paste one later if needed,
  6. @Scaver Yes, most people don't do simc dps, but this is true for enhancers as well. So a realistic dps you're looking at is lower than what the benchmark says (at least on single target). If you're topping meters (again only single target) in your group then you're definitely not the weakest link, much more so if you're enhancer. But what it truly means is that you're not all that worried about clearing the content pre nerfs (or until better gear becomes available). It's 100% fine. But you have to understand that if you pug as well it does put you at a disadvantage. For instance in 5.4 it wa
  7. 15k more on single target is possible only when the second person does about 1k dps. I highly doubt this statement. However, if you have some insights into enh single target rotation please share it so I can update simc. 16k is pretty much the roof of single target dps for enhancers at this ilvl. This is the lowest melee (not including tanks), while the next melee is some 2k higher than that (about 12%), and when you take into account that other melee classes have option to respec in order to benefit the raid better then next stop is at about 20k dps, which is 4k higher than enhance
  8. Enh was nerfed very badly. However, their AoE is strongest and this will probably be their niche (just like burst damage was in 5.4). Initial impression from beta is that it doesn't seems so bad because there are many adds on boss fights, and the nature of FN is that it damages the boss back (if adds are positioned correctly). Just requires other people to pad less on them so that you can gain more effective damage on boss. However, orchestrating the ordeal just so that you can put out decent numbers on boss... If dps is an issue it's easier to bring another class.
  9. I actually had mixed results with this priority. For me Crit ~= Mastery worked quite better. With short kill times in mind Mastery is a very competitive stat. With respect to KTT, it does work better for consistent damage, but I did have some very big bursts with BBoY. Basically a tradeoff to consider. And about the rotation, basic pyro camping method works well. However, I use the slightly modified version which lets having higher 2pc uptime, this works as follows: 1. Do simple camping when you're below 3 stacks. 2. Since you have time to put in 2 fireballs without loosing the stacks,
  10. Boosts share cooldown with potion Except for esoteric uses (like current EMP generator on blackfuse if you're lacking CC from different DR classes) it's basically RIP.
  11. I've been trying AMR logs for some time now, and tbh my feelings are a bit mixed about it. It provides the basic information quite well, but I also see inconsistencies with WCL, which I trust more right now. Furthermore, I found it hard to fish the more meaningful information from it as well. My current verdict is go with WCL (Warcaft Logs), until AMR logging will get better.
  12. lynx

    [Arcane] Log evaluation

    I'd like to correct you! Symb with a druid, get healing touch, be healing mage (!), spirit=win!
  13. Black blood, all the way. The only thing you get from crystal on single target fight is the int proc.
  14. lynx

    [Fire] Haste

    Always stack spirit! It's very important to not go oom and keep deepsing the boss! Seriously now, from my experience (and it's not "be all you can be"), the difference between just reaching haste breakpoints and going full crit>haste>mastery is not that big at all. You just shift your damage from pyro to combustion (or the other way around). Given that combustion is more subject to RNG swings your dps will jump around a bit more than going for the sure-way of pyros (which seems like RNG, but with their amount there's almost no RNG involved as it all averages out).
  15. Yes, HST is very effective! And it's a passive too, so using it on cd is very much advised. You quoted me only partially, so in order to not to be confused about this I meant use AG on pull and then when needed. I'm not 100% positive about this, but I think that if people are at full hp, then HST just selects targets randomly. The problem with HST is that if someone drops too low then it will exclusively target him. It's not all bad because obviously that person needs to have strong shields (and your mastery kicks in full time!), but it's not optimal either because healing soakers is just
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