Same with me 😞
I now set Spike traps on RMB and Strafe on LMB, at least now I am able tol place the traps as I want them, but now have oc to aim well before Strafe sets of.
Usually the guides in the case of introducing the Cpt. Crimson set say "you take the girdle and either the pants OR the boots, depending on your strongest rolls in the Justice Set". So boots and pants are exchangeable.
Great guide and I can not wait to try it after becoming bored with the Marauder set. I have already a primal ancient dawn which should come in handy here. I just want to note that the Potion of Kulle Aid has reached its end of usefullnes with reaching point 8 (Passability) on the recommended path through the Altar of Rites
You do not need to. Traps do not cost hatret with the Natalya 2 piece bonus. Remember that the decription displayed is for the pre season 28 Natalya which focused on Rain of Vegeance instead of traps.
This part of the otherwise excellent guide now needs some overhaul since what is mentioned here is totally contrary to the rest of the guide:
Dead Man's Legacy is not in this build and is not mentioned anywhere.
I just want to mention that Cull-Aid makes no sense in the later game in season 28 because of the addition of the altar effect "Passablility".Other Media