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About JBHawaii

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  1. @Calol Thank you very much for taking the time to asses my performance and give me crucial advice on improving. I'm truly grateful knowing other warlock are so willing and open to helping there fellow locks :) I appreciate your time and effort. Thanks again :)
  2. @Calol Yes I often do miss the PBI after using DS with KTT, I will make it a habit to hold out for PBI. As far as dps goes though would you say I'm about average?
  3. @Calol, I'm sorry I wasn't clear... By trivial I meant which ever procced first I'd use DS with. PBI & KTT don't always line up. It was mentioned somewhere that waiting for a proc to align with DS can sometimes be a dps loss due to long periods in between procs. For example from the pull DS + both trinkets proc, now after that pbi may proc again but DS is still on cooldown, then KTT Procs so I use DS, Basically I'm just using DS whenever any of my trinkets proc. Are you saying to only use DS with pbi? Again thanks to everyone for your input. Anything I can take from here to
  4. @Liquidsteel Those are the strings I currently use, I just have the ICD unloaded because it was confusing me during raids. I'd still like to know if my dps is on par with my ilvl... Not looking to be the best, just decent where I am an asset to my raid group.
  5. @calol on IJ, I was dead for a little bit... and my RL has me soaking crawlers, for some odd reason the spikes just seem to love me during this fight. I agree with your idea about positioning... I feel like I'm spending way to much time trying to avoid mechanics or trying to get in range after knock backs. As for the average CB being 1M, according to zagam's guide that Liquidsteel referred too looks like I'm right there. How much more can it be? I try to align DS with PBI or KTT but it's trivial at best. I use weak auras to track procs... Should I be tracking the ICD for both t
  6. Hello my fellow warlocks! I humbly ask for an honest review of my performance. * What I am doing wrong? * What I need to do more of? * Is my dps is on par with my current configuration? I am by no means an expert, I'd like to think I have at least average player skill & performance. But I get the feeling I'm sub-par... It's hard to compare performance when the only logs I have to compare with are from people who are several ilvls ahead of me. Essentially I want to get a feel for where I should be at my current ilvl and gear combination. *note - I don't understand ever
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