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About Emris87

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  1. It's an event revisiting MoP, what did you expect? I swear there's always people who search for things to complain about because they like complaining lol.
  2. I like them tbh, esp since i missed out on the Shadowlands ones which could be why they are doing it.
  3. What about Mythic Ny'alotha? Is it easier with groups now? I know most are easy but last boss you and or everyone just gets mc'd even with the cloak.
  4. How about.. no timer, no affixes. Mobs/Bosses simply get more hp and deal more damage the higher the key goes. Give gearing a cap that's close to raiding and have super high keys be for mounts/cosmetics/toys/pets. I'm sorry but in my opinion the best gear should always come from a raid, just look how SoD is doing.
  5. They need to take Affliction back to how it was in Wrath of the Lich King. Meaning your spender/filler was Drain Soul.
  6. Blizzard, please scrap/rethink this and give us something like it that flies. Infinite version of owl mount in Amirdrassil, Infinite Gryphon, Infinite Bar, etc. There are plenty of other options.
  7. Again, Metzen was NOT the problem. The problem with the story was FORMER Creative director Alex Afrasabi.
  8. Alex Afrasabi, the former Creative Director a couple others were the primary bad roots of the old guard. not Metzen. Alex led the shtshow that was some of Legion to BFA/SL Sylvanas. Danuser tried to salvage SL Sylvanas but couldnt undo Afrasabi's damage to her character, at least not yet. To blame Metzen would be stupid.
  9. Only during the Hallow's End event. Regular mount cast time when not during the event.
  10. God forbid Frost Dk can be broken in PvP for the first time in a decade...
  11. Sigh. wanted ToT. If we can get the BoA Weapons again so i can get the ones i missed then cool. But if not, why not ToT?
  12. The UK block was stopped. They passed it. EDIT: App some new jckoff is trying to block it.
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