Static is still actively recruiting players. In particular, we are in need of a Priest that can play both Holy and Disc. As always, we're still recruiting anyone and everyone that feels they can play their class at an exceptional level.
Static is still in need of exceptional players of every role for WoD and our SoO clears! Apply today, and you could be raiding with us by this Wednesday!
As always, we're still in need of exceptional players of every role during our SoO farm and for WoD in the future. In particular, we need some more Warlocks to do their Warlock-y stuff!
I'll try not to, Paloro. We're still looking for the classes listed above, as well as anyone that feels they can play their class at an exceptional level.
Static of Arthas
Ketsuki: Vicious#1889
Kiraja: Lissle#1720
Progression and Ranks
14/14H US 35th H: Garrosh Hellscream
Previous Tiers:
T15: 13/13H US 27th H:Lei Shen
T14: 16/16H Sha of Fear US #46th
Streams and Kill Videos:
Brutall: Twitch Youtube
Ketsuki: Twitch
Starlyne: Twitch
Guild Outline
Our goal in Static is to quickly and efficiently progress through 25-man HEROIC content without sacrificing our personal responsibilities and goals outside of the game. In order to do this, we adhere to a strict set of principles to guarant