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About Prometheuc

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  1. Do you believe raiding is about the people you're with? Do you enjoy raiding but RL prevents you from being hardcore? Are you willing to grow from the ground up and form meaningful friendships with new guild mates instead of trying to fit in with an already established guild? Do you enjoy playing late night (9pm PST or later), and raiding twice a week? If you answered yes to the above, keep reading... Reality Escape is a casual raiding guild on the Emerald Dream server, Horde side. It consists of those of us who are too busy with RL to be hardcore. Those of us who see WoW as an ""escape"" fro
  2. Hi everyone, I'm brand new to mages..never played one...and I'm having major trouble with dps and reforging, gemming etc...I've been using askmrrobot for gemming/reforging but I'm not sure whether it default stat weights are worth it. According to simcraft i should be pulling anywhere between 80-95k dps...yet I average max 67k dps in lfr Heres my Armory: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/illidan/Tp%C3%A4%C3%AC%C3%B1/simple Yes i know i still got a lot of work to do gear wise (getting rid of the 450's) but i would like to know the most optimal rotation for frost and fire...sti
  3. Hey everyone, new to these forums. I'm struggling with getting dps numbers shadowcraft says i should be pulling 201k dps, and I'm only pulling 150-160k dps. http://shadowcraft.mmo-mumble.com/us/illidan/prometheuc/#!/jVFhb5swEP0v/mxV2A2M6D5NmkY6VjVVU0VZFCGbOMEhFGpo2vTX7xlotUjTNMNxx7t3d49jLThr0kcieUNlMKHDckVEzkx6xB+3+05i90JyhuRtb59HpGkXRw8kpoWn++IPk+RKCcrwftuTdeKMJbG/8fC5N/DEvCijJEWT56GJJ0uKFj+TEuRvH6P0WS4NWO2fo/yc41e4ZJROddqRF9trP8Sj0udVNUbu1es9kDRD33k5WyAppgnJ49jEiyrfT4kd4NknPBzGsTXFOBNSiEAi0GpB+jEkrVbwEfw942v2a+TIoOfMqeeppc8PvCJk/9Fqw9frmIcb0FqKKbzzwklbL+aBomWvKo6I7ugdcwX/64VymqAuxIdouo
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