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About Acelea

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  1. Acelea

    [Frost] Help with dps

    That's for the tips, I logged my malk kill with my guild from this week to see how much better I did. http://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/cmnrJY7FHBLgW693#type=damage-done&source=12 My bomb uptime isn't the greatest still so I guess I gotta work on that still.
  2. Hello everyone! I've been having trouble with my DPS. I understand that my gear is sub par but everyone tells that I should be doing much more than I am now. So I was wondering if someone could possibly have a look at my guild's last malkorok run and my armory and see where I'm going wrong. http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/greymane/Acelea/simple There have been a few gear changes since then, I replaced the LFR headpiece I had with the ordos headpiece, replaced my Kardis trinket with the flex version of it, and upgraded a 502 ring with the flex galakras ring. http://www.warcraftlo
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