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About Sigmatism

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  1. I hit the 3 mil club with PBI and KTT (shouldve remembered to put BBoY on) *grumble grumble* http://gyazo.com/7dcefa4535f01ca22190f20e00f88d18
  2. I do apologize for "firing shots" at him. I now understand after more experts have delved into his logs, I see what was holding him back. I thank you for the time and effort you put in to help him improve as a player. It really does make me feel proud that we have people willing to help here. Thank you -Sigmatism
  3. http://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/m4fj7rQqZPgNvMd8#fight=2 Sorry about the wait. I ran a full normal run of logs for this. Hope it helps. -Sigma
  4. My apologies, Hybrys. I'll update this post whenever I have updated logs.
  5. I accidentally forgot to clear my old log. The Siegecrafter-Garrosh is the kills for 7/12/14
  6. The title may sound like I'm being a dick, but I'm just as every other raid leader wanting his raiders to be successful. He's been trying to find out what he's doing wrong. http://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/3PFv7rBDGxYtc4TL These are the logs from tonight. I've looked them over and I've noticed his SnD uptime is really poor on most of the fights, which I know contributes to a huge part of his DPS. I'm not the best at reading logs intensively so I'm coming to the best to see if they can find anything I cannot. http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/malganis/Helitor/advanced This is h
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