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About Sikeli

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  1. Thanks Paloro. Glad my reasoning was correct (basically).
  2. Sorry to create a thread about this but I've been going over this in my head and can't seem to determine which is "better". I figured some other ferals could benefit from seeing the feedback on this. I also want to make sure I understand our stat priorities correctly too by reasoning this out. We all know trinkets are odd right now in WoD. But I never expected to be comparing a 615 trinket with a 645. I have had the Munificent Emblem of Terror (615) http://www.wowhead.com/item=114427 for a week or so now. Thus far it has not been replaced by any heroic 630 trinket I've had drop (just t
  3. Thanks for talking sense back into me @Paloro. I figure this was best left for PvP...but it is a fun playstyle.
  4. I watched some feral streamers play this way over the weekend. Basically gearing for as much crit as you can, using BT + TF/B and hitting FB, not even using Rip at all. Turns us into huge bursty cats (which is good for PvP). I tried this running some 5mans and saw my own single target DPS go up, 1-2k'ish on most fights. Is this something useful for PvE as an alt rotation for some fights? Or is this best left to PvP only and thus I should avoid creating muscle memory for it in PvE content?
  5. So my guild had a good night last night running Heroic mode Sha to Garrosh (oddly the logs missed our Garrosh kill). I was working quite a bit on my 6.0.2 rotation/priorities and overall uptimes, etc. I wanted to get some opinions on my logs and where I should work on things. Armory Link (Gear has been upgraded since logs) http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/stormrage/Sikeli/simple Logs http://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/aR6jhxzgDVNB2QMn/#type=damage-done&boss=-3&source=3855 My Observations I see my uptimes for SR and R are low overall, but on static fights (like s
  6. @Paloro - Thanks! That pastebin link is 6.0 compatable as well? I do look forward to your UI upcoming, I've been very curious about it for sometime.
  7. @Paloro - Thanks for this. Wonderful guide. A few Questions; What should we be watching for with Weak Auras in WoD? I (think) I'm using a modified version of your bleed strengths currently in MoP. But for WoD it seems there will be some changes. Also, how are you (with Weak Auras) tracking bleed strength on multiple targets (since combo points) move now. Any different than tabbing between different ones using your current MoP WA? Can you share a string of of WoD WA? Or what addons you are using to track stuff? I'd also love to see your UI setup (in general or any tweaks you've
  8. I'm aware of the under 25% FB refresh, which is why I only used it there. I'll move it back to it's spot on my bar and drop Maim for PvE all together (stick with it in PvP). FB is the filler I've been using, I'll just keep using it.
  9. Makes sense, seems more useful that Maim for PvE (right?).
  10. Since last here, looking for advice, I've been working on my feral rotation. I've come to a question. Say that I have (on a SoO boss); -SR up with over 50% of the time on it left (5 CP) -Rake on the target -Rip (5CP) on the target -Thrash on the target Now what do I do? Do I sit and watch everything tick away on the target? Something else? Currently I've been using shred, as to not interfere with the bleeds, but I've been building CPs with it and hit 5CP well before SR or Rip are close to done. I have been dumping the CPs into SR, refreshing it whenever so it never falls off...
  11. So, back again. A bit happier with my DPS but it is still very low and I'm still clueless as to why. Tonight I focused on -LB uptime (was 81%) -IE uptime (65%+) -Only casting icelance when I have two procs (except in a few heavy movement fights and trash) -spamming FB as much as I can, as fast as it will cast often. All that, I'm still about 100k off where simecraft says i should be for an average player/heavy movement fight ilvl 550. So what do I need to work on now? http://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/nZr8wKA3zaQv1kVL/#boss=-2 http://www.worldoflogs.com/reports/n8ba5s
  12. Thank you everyone. This is all giving me alot to think about and work on!
  13. Thank You. This is helping me wrap my head around the finer points of this. Two questions I'm wondering. I think I know the answer but want to make sure? 1). When you (or any feral guide author) says "...currently applied Rip is stronger wait for it to fall off" (Weaker) what do you mean? is it that that application of Rip could be "stronger" because of a trinket proc or crit? Refreshing it with another, sans trinket proc/crit will "weaken" it? 2). So what should my combo builders be if my Mangle/Rake/Mangle/Rake/Mangle is not good? I shouldn't start a fight as Mangle/Mangle/Mangle
  14. Hmmm... interesting. I do prioritize bleeds. My typical single target prioritization goes as follows (not in beserk); mangle/rake/mangle/rake/mangle (5 combo): SR (if not up): repeat M/R/M/R/M : (5 combo) : Rip I think, well know, where I'm failing with this is when I have multiple targets. Either I loose my combo points on a dead target (trash) or I target off of them and don't get back to them. Question. If I have BOTH SR & Rip up on the target (not under 25%) and have gone through 2 5 combo point rotations... what do I I prioritize? Refreshing SR or Rip....or something
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