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About Dranae

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  1. For heroic bears! I'm a 580 tauren druid, with Herbalism and Enchanting. My default glyphs are: Stampeding Roar, Rebirth, Fae Silence/Grace, Aquatic Form, Stag. My default talents are: Feline Swiftness, Ysera's Gift, Mass Entanglement, Incarnation, Ursol's Vortex, Nature's Vigil I have both the DPS cloak and the tank cloak, and change them out quite frequently. I also have a Sigil of Rampage and a Rook's Unlucky Talisman which I switch out. My Vial of Living Corruption always stays equipped. (Note: all of these fights are with a 581 Prot Warrior as the other tank.) Immerseus: I let t
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