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About Raxidon

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  • Gender
  • Location
    In The Shadows
  • Interests
    World of Warcraft, World of Tanks, A.D.O.M., Angband and it's variants, Elder Scrolls games.

    Reading, movies, Netflix while playing.
  1. Thank you, Krush! I was kind of thinking along those lines. I'd definitely switch to AoC for Garrosh, guess it'd just be about testing it. Do you know which would be better to switch out for AoC?
  2. What's most important is his knowing how to use Assassination based on adds out. For example, in Phase 1 Garrosh, he should be trying to get an Envenom 5 CP right as the adds stack on the boss, then spam Fan of Knives so they have a better poisoning chance. For the Wolfrider part of the phase, he should be switching, Rupturing it (at the least, if not burning it) and then back to Garrosh. For Phase 2, he should be doing just fine with single target, as long as he has his Rupture and Slice and Dice up. Be aware DPS may fall from switching to MCs. Is he properly refreshing SnD with
  3. For your trinkets, the priority is, in theory: Haromm's Talisman, Ticking Ebon Detonator, and Assurance of Consequence. In practice, Assurance of Consequence is extremely good on a lot of fights because the proc has an internal cooldown, meaning that the procs can be predicted and tracked, allowing you to make the best of them. Also, it reduces the cooldown of Cloak of Shadows, which makes it an excellent trinket for progression (so excellent that it is almost mandatory for the execution of certain strategies on Siegecrafter Blackfuse and Garrosh Hellscream in Heroic Mode). Okay, I'm a li
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