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About Raedwulf

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  1. I'm afraid that this strategy wouldn't work, as you can not switch talents in the middle of a challenge mode. What you start with is what you have to use for the whole thing. In my experience with CM's (which is admittedly from getting golds in MoP, haven't started getting golds in WoD yet), it's the trash pulls that are often the tricky part. This is where groups are often the most stressed because you're often chain-pulling as much as the healer's mana will allow to cut down on time. I would think that defile+gorefiend's grasp would give you the most bang for your buck in those situations an
  2. About The Guild <FoE> is an Alliance raiding guild on the Turalyon-US server that is focused on progression and is currently seeking new members for our raid team. We raid 3 nights a week and strive to progress as far as possible in a given tier of content. Our members include people from nearly all walks of life and many are closer to 30 years old than they are to 20. We maintain a mature, respectful environment and we don't tolerate drama. We expect members to settle any interpersonal drama like adults. What Kind of Players Are We Looking For? The raiders of FoE are indivi
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