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About Houd

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  1. Ok. I think I know what you mean now. If I vanish and ambush at ie. 0,1 sec left of FW I get the ambush with the exsisting FW and then reapply a new one. But I don't see the practical use in that. Between my FW's i usually reapply SnD and perhaps Rupture and then use some seconds to pulls energy so I can get several timed ambushes off to refresh FW with Subterfuge.
  2. Sorry but I dont see your logic. How will the ambush time change with clipping? If anything you get less uptime = less ambush?
  3. If you clip you still have lower total uptime of FW. After my opener->meld->vanish->vanish->sd> there will be a big gap before next vanish and the gap will only the bigger if I clip.
  4. I was named Houdini in prev games and my rl friends shortened it to Houd - So it's very much the intention :) Your logic is however sound. However if you clip it you would lose total uptime?
  5. Thanks for the reply. Using Meld situational is however a bad idea imo and just leads to less FW uptime. Every SUB fight in BRF except Oregorger you wont experience those problems, and even at Oregorger it's easy to predict the time of his rolls. And if he rolls popping SD is ofcourse stupid. Can you comment on excat % of FW? How to improve - as it seems very static of how much you can get as everyone have the same SD/vanish cd's. TLDR, how to min/max for the extra %?
  6. Hello. There is much dicusion about Find Weakness uptime. I raid at a semi high level but you can always improve. Here are my questions. My Find Weakness uptime ranged from 45-55%. Mostly closer to 50% than 45%. I am Night ElF so I can shadowmeld->Ambush every 2mins. Which rotation would you guys use for most Find Weakness uptime? Im unsure if I should: Shadowmeld Vanish Prep->Vanish Vanish Shadowmeld Prep-Vanish Vanish Prep->Vanish Shadowmeld Which combination will grant me the best result with CD's comming back online, or another combination that t
  7. Houd

    Rogue Buffs!

    Mages still sim way higher. Sub is prob gonna be upper middle on single target. Simcraft being updated as I post.
  8. Houd

    Rogue Buffs!

    I dont see how you'd beat a mage. They still beat up pretty heavyli. Frigate where did you get that updated sim link? I cant download that version of Simcraft?
  9. I dont think you can as spells are locked to bars. Else you can place another group of bars ontop of your main grp to make the gsp smaller. Or separste a bar further up with a comma and add evasion. This is a messy solution though as it wont get shown if the main spell is active
  10. http://peecee.dk/upload/view/445941/full To give you the example. Put my cd's where you have yours and disabled my incomming heals. Under those are my debuffs I would like to have shown. I want to explicitly know when i have: Expel Magic: Fire, Fel and Cheated Death. Of my normal abilities uptimes I want the order: BF->SnD->AR->Cloak->Feint->Revealing Strike->Crimsom Temptest in that excatly decending order. It's the same with my cd's and debuffs, i choose the order. Clearly shown bandits guilde over my own bar and simplecps over enemy. NeedToKnow also g
  11. Classtimers give you no customability. Ntk does. Ie. you cant choose the order of your cooldowns with classtimer. Anyhow I wont force anything on you :)
  12. Simplecombopoints for cps and anticipation. Banditsguilehelper. I can recommend Needtoknow instead of classtimer as its more flexible yet simple to use
  13. Houd

    Combat Rogue in WOD

    Im such a fucking noob, I knew that.. But thanks :)
  14. Houd

    Combat Rogue in WOD

    Carn. Quick question refeering to the combat guide. Why does it advice to refresh SnD with 10 sec remaining? Shouldn't be optimally be refreshed with 0.1 sec left?
  15. Houd

    Rogue weapon enchantments

    With equipped bis in every slot (in shadowcraft) MoTSH is still better than Warsong. Maybe the creater of the guide can get back on the subject.?
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