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About Nozome

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  1. Personally I'm playing frost and rolling on gear that has mastery in it . I will do (or try to do) the change to arcane when i have more pieces. Damage wise would be better to stick to frost , but you could change to arcane just to get a little more experience with it. It's your choice :)
  2. When you are not sure , its always good to simcraft your character , your stat weights change with talents/gear so askmrrobot isn't 100% accurate when choosing between possible upgrades. Do the simcraft , add your personal stat weights on askmrrobot and everything is clear!
  3. Nozome

    Multistrike vs Crit?

    As stated before , you should simcraft your character . Every character has different stat weights compared to his gear/talents etc.
  4. Nozome

    Arcane vs Frost?

    I would guess that on patchwerk arcane does more dmg than frost , but frost wins in fights with movement . (haven't seen any sims , thats my feel :D )
  5. Its possible , but hard , you need like 0 latency . You must use Water Jet the moment your previously cast frostbolt is about to connect with the target .
  6. Well , for trash packs you really can't sustain dps , we only have bursts from frozen orb/freeze and (optional) prismatic crystal. You should always pool 2 ice lances and use FB . The only exception is when your target is about to die , in that case use FB with the one ice lance proc (1 hit from FB>1 frost bolt). IN=3-4 FB , as you get gear they will become closer and closer and FB will pull ahead eventually , but for dungeons IN is better due to the interrupt aspect of it. You get the FoF proc when the frostbolt connects with the target , so you would see the second FoF usually at 50% o
  7. I've been playing my frost mage for a few weeks now and I thought it was doing "okay". I was always pulling the most dps in hc/cm dungeons (mostly on bosses) and I had no complaints. Yesterday we did the first 2 bosses in highmaul normal with a "whatever" guild group (because some people couldn't make it and we decided to chill a bit ) and we will raid normally this sunday. In those 2 fights I had no problem doing 20k+ dps and be on top 3 of the meters (20k on kargath and 22k on butcher without running PC). So , my question is , is mage THAT bad? The QQ on forums is insane , people are saying
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