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About Real

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  1. Hey there, This week we got our 3/10M kill which happened to be Gruul. So I played Sub for it of course. But I my parses aren't the greatest :/ I was hoping to get some feedback on what I could work on etc. Thanks! Logs: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/Tg2D9yzhpWFrmHa3#fight=19&type=summary&source=19 Armory: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/anvilmar/Realsneaky/simple
  2. Real

    Need Help with Combat

    Anyone able to help out? Thanks.
  3. Real

    Need Help with Combat

    Hey there everyone. I was hoping to get some help with my rogue. For the most part I feel like I know what I'm doing and felt like I was doing alright in HM and thought I was doing decent. Now after checking logs I feel like I'm not as up to par as I really should be so I was hoping I could get a little insight on what I could improve on etc. Most recent logs (Feel free to dig as far on my character as possible. Everything helps) : https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/vmNZt3RKjd1AVrYD And this is my armory (If it helps at all) : http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/anvilmar/Re
  4. Real

    Spec Choices.

    What's up guys! (And Gals') I wanted to get a general feedback on how the specs are doing and what people are running. I leveled my rogue as Assassination and had a good amount of fun with it but decided to switch because of dagger drops in Highmaul being quite low and my luck being shiet. I switched to Sub and did quite well and than also wanted to try out combat. Currently on the Sims Sub is the highest atm, But I usually don't bother seeing how sims are doing because they are basically useless in my eyes. But I like to get a good idea on where the basis of the spec is. So I
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