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About Shades

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  1. Shades

    Taking my leave...

    thank you for the help and support provided over the last years :)
  2. It has been a consistent increase of dps for me but this week ill do it without the glyph and do it as you described earlier. Thanks for the feedback and thoughts on the matter though. ps: even Sparkuggz used the glyph on mythic imperator just saying Shades
  3. How is mythic imperator relevant in any way to this? anyway yes i am pretty sure glyph of havoc is a dps loss in 95% of the fights, it got me a 2-2.5k dps improvement on normal and heroic. i don't see the loss in dps when you can use it when needed.
  4. Hey there, Found his guild logs on warcraftlogs.com https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/f78Y9XpaGLQzVw3x (log from dec 28 in which he participates) If i may suggest something I found (Only had a quick look). On some fights with heavy cleave (like Twins and brackenspore) you should be using Havoc on cd. This alone increases dps by a ton! Also a quick tip on imperator for an amazing dps increase is using "glyph of havoc" if timed right you can use it on every arcane abaration and also at the end of each transition phase you can cast it on the boss and soulburn 6 adds with does
  5. Hello there, i would 100% choose for the pouch and shard (as far as destruction goes at least, don't have much knowledge on affliction). you biggest source of damage as destruction comes from aligning trinket proc's with cooldowns and dumping embers on chaos bolts, you will get SO much more with the pouch and the shard, not only from the proc and use effect, but the raw intellect on shard+pouch is higher aswell. hope this helps! Shades
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