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About orusz

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  1. orusz

    Help with sub spec

    Hey guys new log avaible https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/v6HZ9BhmyMdPgGx2#fight=1&type=auras&graph=false&source=7&by=target I improved a little I guess, compared to the first log... but my mate still doing 3-5K dps above me, because I guess, the trinket Lucky Double-Sided Coin and 5+ Ilvl.
  2. orusz

    Help with sub spec

    First, I thank all you guys for the help.. Yes, my find weakness and shadow dance comparing with you is really low... Yes, I track vanish and shadow dance CD's, and I use whenever I can What do you recommend to maximize shadow dance/find weakness uptime?Sometimes I need refresh rupture or slice in dance, even I refreshing before dance/vanish...., this is awful...the problem may be it. I recorded a video with my opener, I think it's more important than normal rotation (keeping debuffs, slice, etc) http://youtu.be/TKOcOIeVCeg (maybe still rendering on youtube) Note 1: I dont know
  3. orusz

    Help with sub spec

    Last log: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/79qjZzkCD6pa8MTd(yesterday) uptime above 90% something wrong? :s
  4. orusz

    Help with sub spec

    Hm, Ok, but what you mean with very low uptime? I need refresh with 7-10 secs?I doing with 2-3 secs... Yes, sometimes I drop Rupture :( I thought that was only for Slice
  5. orusz

    Help with sub spec

    Hello guys... I having problems with sub spec. I play since lich king expanson with assassin spec, and now with sub, it's hard to get used... My equipment is focused on multistrike (16% unbuffed) - gems & enchants. I'm in trouble with dps specifically... Even with the exchange of talent: Shadow Focus to Subterfuge) and opener (Premeditation - Slice and Dice - Garrote - Shadow Reflection - Ambush - Rupture - Shadow Dance [spam Ambush-Eviscerate] My damage(burst) starts at 50~60k, but during the fight, drop to 20k! and in accordance with my gear (Ilvl 663) something is wrong.
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