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About numlock14

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  1. HI ! wow that's a lot more responses than I was expecting yes I believe the issue was skada quirking and taking me out of combat - TY for that observation yes I did see its divided that's why it was so weird for me skada was not even picking up the 15 second ticks - also thanks for clearing up the dpet completely clear now
  2. Hey all So we all know Demo has shown up as the FOTW spec so I thought I would check it out it's very far from AFF but it is fun. My question is regarding "Doom" when I'm Reading Simcraft it shows doom as my #1 damage? but when I am running Skada it shows up as #7 on my spell damage list So that being said can some one explain to me - How doom works and why is it showing up as the #1 damage per excecute time on Simulation craft ? This is more of a mechanic question more than a personal Log question Also side note I found if I just cast doom on a target dummy it deals no da
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