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  1. i had left simcraft at default settings so the iterations were at 1k. i changed it to 10k and redid the sim and plugged the new numbers into amr. simcraft results i left the weapon stats alone and updated everything else in amr does this look more reliable?
  2. so on simcraft these were the results initially amr looked like this and i plugged the simcaft stat weights into amr so now it looks like this when i was plugging in the numbers, everything looked ok and all were close to the preset amr stat weights except MH speed. initially in amr it had 0 for MH speed, but as u can see simcraft simmed my MH speed at 279.45. is that right? or should i set amr back to 0? it just threw me off when i saw that 0 to 279 difference when all of the other stat weights were only a few digits off. the weapon i have is Gravetouch Greatsword
  3. i saw this mentioned in another post but it didn't go over much detail in the steps on how to do this. how do i adjust the stat weights in ask mr robot using the stat weights from simcraft when i simulate my character?
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