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About siggboy

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  1. It should be noted that "Slime Advantage" is very useful on Battlefield of Eternity, because on that map Murky will usually try to get as much DPS on the enemy Immortal as possible (you're frequently the "DPS guy" while your team is defending green). Unfortunately it competes with "Clairvoyance", which is also very strong on that map. It is also generally a strong talent in all scenarios where you're often helping to kill "boss" enemies (Garden of Terror comes to mind). Since you're giving up on "Compressed Air", it should of course not be taken on maps where you'll regularly be waveclearing
  2. Malfurion should not be compared to Lili at all (except for the fact that they are both support healers). The mechanics of both heroes are very different; I'd like to add that Malfurion is much stronger, because he does have CC that Lili completely lacks. I also find it slightly distressing how the guide flip-flops its talent recommendations (Rampant Growth just went from "pick this!" to "avoid! it sucks completely!"). Maybe do the math on the various talents before making recommendations...
  3. I don't agree with the assessment of the talents related to "Innervate", especially since the guide recommends enhancing "Regrowth" at level 1 instead. "Moonfire" does cost 20 mana to cast, so in order for a net mana return to occur from the level 1 talent, one does need to hit at least 3 targets per cast. It also does only stack to 6, capping the mana return even under the most ideal of circumstances. "Innervate" does scale up madly with level, while "Moonfire" becomes less and less important (especially concerning the mana return from the level 1 talent). If you have a lane partner who
  4. It is actually even better, because it effectively heals you -- for a lot. I used it (on normal difficulty) when I was at about 30% health, and it healed me back to full health in a matter of seconds. BoS is almost mandatory on this fight for Blood DKs.
  5. I use a modified version of your auras on my hunter. Except for the hunter main bar. It is better to put a click-through action bar in this place, and just put the spells there that you want to monitor. That is easier to set up and gets rid of an entire button group in WeakAuras. It also conveys more information (for example, if you do not have the focus for an ability it's greyed out), you can use TullaRange for range display, and you can use OmniCC for cooldown alerts. You also see the bright border when an ability is emphasized (e.g. when you have Lock-n-Load procs, or when Kill
  6. What is not obvious about the Stables, and not mentioned in the guide, either, is that it gains you a total of 1620 resources over 12 days -- or 120/day, the same as a Lumbermill if you do all the quests from the Stables each day (which you probably do anyway in order to tame those mounts). Those quests reward resources. So, even subtracting the cost for the Stables and re-building the Barracks afterwards, it leaves you with a net 1320 resources on top of what you get from the Lumbermill, all for the opportunity cost of not having the Barracks around for 12 days. This is a huge head start in
  7. With regards to which missions you can safely fail, and which not, the guide could be more specific: Generally, every mission costs resources (at least 10), and resources are what constrains your garrison expansion later on. Theres a cap to how many resources per day you can generate, even if you commit a lot of time to the game. In that sense, every mission converts resources into something else, sometimes more resources, but usually follower XP or gold (items count as gold in my book, since most of them are temporary and end up being disenchanted or vendored). If a mission allows you to g
  8. Yes, absolutely. The guide is fine but the idea to replace the Barracks with a Bunker/Mill is just plain horrible. I wish I had kept my Barracks... The guide should be at least very ambiguous when it suggests to replace the Barracks -- actually it should just advise you to not touch your large plot before level 100. Please update the guide in that regard. The benefit from the Barracks are substantial for almost any player: It allows you to have a bodyguard from level 96 onward, substantial help for any class, some more than others. The DPS increase from the bodyguard is staggering, and
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