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About Renns

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  1. Hi Vortak The 30 sec buff on TellMeWhen is spell ID 20925. For mine I track the buff as I like to see when it's up, to be honest, you don't really need to know when it's about to run out. If you track that it's on you, you should be throwing a GCD into SS when you've got a spare one, it shouldn't really get chance to drop to ~5 seconds. - Renns
  2. Hi there! Just found your post while lurking and thought I'd provide you with my two cents! I raided previously as a Guardian Druid, however have been Protection Paladin since the release of WoD. So first off, Haste received a massive buff, you'll want to be enchanting into that now. Decreased global cooldown works great for increased holy power generation. I main tank for my guild and on the first rotation of overwhelming blows, I take 11 stacks before the first transition. My off tank (also a brewmaster monk) takes this on the second Phase One. (I don't know if this is the norm
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