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About Midgetmaged

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  1. <Missunderstood>, an Alliance guild on Kirin Tor, is currently recruiting DPS for a full-time position on our 20m core. Current progression is 8/10 Heroic Blackrock Foundry, with Mythic just around the corner! We are a guild that started from humble beginnings late in Mists of Pandaria and finished server first. We value consistent attendance and the ability to come prepared over gear score and past experience. If you’re willing to put in the work, we’re willing to give you a chance. Raid times are Sat-Mon from 7:00-10:00pm Central and adhere to a strict attendance policy in
  2. Just posted Beastlord Darmac kill vid on our website
  3. If you guys have any questions just ask
  4. <Missunderstood>, an Alliance guild on Kirin Tor, is currently recruiting DPS for a full-time position on our 20m core. Current progression is 8/10 Heroic Blackrock Foundry, with Mythic just around the corner! We are a guild that started from humble beginnings late in Mists of Pandaria and finished server first. We value consistent attendance and the ability to come prepared over gear score and past experience. If you’re willing to put in the work, we’re willing to give you a chance. Raid times are Sat-Mon from 7:00-10:00pm Central and adhere to a strict attendance policy in orde
  5. Hey Wow Peeps, We put these together for Highmaul and many guilds found them useful so we're posting the ones we've completed for Blackrock Foundry so far. They are visual guides, fight explanations, weak auras and kill videos for the first 7 bosses of Highmaul on Heroic (Iron Maidens going up shortly--sorry these take a lot of time to write and design and we want to make sure our strats are sound). If anyone needs help figuring stuff out or just another strat that might merge with your own check them out. We hope guilds find them helpful again. You're allowed to link, repost or share any im
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