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About Thrawnzilla

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  1. <Rubes of Goldberg> is a dedicated raiding guild where players of like mind and desire come together to achieve the highest success and experience end-game facets of World of Warcraft. Our goal is to explore and conquer all the content that Blizzard provides and be among the best on Area 52. <Rubes of Goldberg’s> is a new guild to Area 52 but our accomplishments go clear back to ZG20 we have raided everything since vanilla, with pre nerf and server first and second Mu’ru and Kil’jaeden kills. We will always strive for excellence and to be a U.S realms and server competitor. Rubes
  2. <Rubes of Goldberg> is a dedicated raiding guild where players of like mind and desire come together to achieve the highest success and experience end-game facets of World of Warcraft. Our goal is to explore and conquer all the content that Blizzard provides and be among the best on Area 52. <Rubes of Goldberg’s> is a new guild to Area 52 but our accomplishments go clear back to ZG20 we have raided everything since vanilla, with pre nerf and server first and second Mu’ru and Kil’jaeden kills. We will always strive for excellence and to be a U.S realms and server competitor. &l
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