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About Brewsli

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  1. Still looking for a holy pally, balance druid, and priest :)
  2. Updated with more specific recruitment needs
  3. <Union> is an alliance guild on the PVE server Uldum. We are 13/13H and 13/13M. As legion is approaching we are looking to expand our roster with exceptional players. We are looking to Recruit: 1x Discipline Priest 1x Holy Paladin 1x Balance Druid 1x Warlock Who are we? We are a fun group of players that have raided together for a while and have become good friends. We are very serious when it comes to progressing but loving having fun and joking around between pulls. We have strong leadership and a wonderful guild community. Suggested Requirements: We ask that you
  4. <Union> is an alliance guild on the PVE server Uldum. We are 13/13H and 7/13M. We are looking for a few more players/roles to expand our roster and make our team stronger. We are currently interested in: 1 or 2x Warlock, 1x Rogue 1x Death Knight We also encourage any interested player or class to try and join as we are always looking for exceptional players, we ask that you be at least 700+ item level and have a good amount of raiding experience. We raid: Monday: 8-11 PM PST (11-2 AM EST) Wednesday: 8-11 PM PST (11-2 AM
  5. <Union> is an alliance guild on the PVE server Uldum. We are 13/13H and 5/13M. We are looking for a few more players/roles to expand our roster and make our team stronger. We are currently interested in: 1 or 2x Warlock, 1x Rogue 1x Death Knight Any exceptional range interested are also welcome to reach out to us We also encourage any interested player or class to try and join as we are always looking for exceptional players, we ask that you be at least 700+ item level and have a good amount of raiding experience. We raid: Mo
  6. <Union> is an alliance guild on the PVE server Uldum. We are 13/13H and 5/13M. We are looking for a few more players/roles to expand our roster and make our team stronger. We are currently interested in: 1x Warlock, 1x Death Knight (dps) 1x Paladin (holy) We also encourage any interested player or class to try and join as we are always looking for exceptional players, we ask that you be at least 700+ item level and have a good amount of raiding experience. We raid: Monday: 8-11 PM PST (11-2 AM EST) Wednesday: 8-11 PM PST (11-2 AM EST)
  7. <Union> is an alliance guild on the PVE server Uldum. We are 13/13H and 4/13M. We are looking for 1 lock and, 1 DK dps and a holy pally to round out our team. We also encourage any class to try and join, we ask that you be at least 700+ item level and have a good amount of raiding experience. We raid: Monday: 8-11 PM PST (11-2 AM EST) Wednesday: 8-11 PM PST (11-2 AM EST) Sunday: 8-11 PM PST (11-2 AM EST) We are a group of players that have raided together for about a year or so now and we love to have fun and joke around. We are very serious when it comes to progressing and we
  8. <Union> is an alliance guild on the PVE server Uldum. We are 12/13 H expecting an Archimonde kill very soon and will be starting mythic within the next couple of raid nights. We are looking for an experienced warlock (or two) and perhaps deathknight. We ask the you be at least 695+ item level and have a good attitude. We raid: Monday: 8-11 PM PST (11-2 AM EST) Wednesday: 8-11 PM PST (11-2 AM EST) Sunday: 8-11 PM PST (11-2 AM EST) We are a group of players that have raided together for about a year or so now and we love to have fun and joke around. We are very serious when it comes to
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