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VaraTreledees last won the day on February 18 2018

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About VaraTreledees

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  1. Man, I really wish they would revert this. I was so excited to see interrupts not tied to the fel puppy, a lot of solo content is incredibly frustrating for warlocks because they can't have both the blueberry and an interrupt.
  2. Space Goats get 78 from heroic presence. Not 425. Getting 400 in a primary stat is just bonkers OP. It will certainly be subjected to balance. 400 is more strength or agility then ilvl 400 2 handed weapons give. Aside from that, I generally agree. The racials seems cool but really nothing too out of line.
  3. I like this card. A lot. Much better then glimmer root (which was a playable card, although often the worst card in the deck). The best part is you get a lot of information about what is in their hand so you can make a very informed decision as to what you want to grab. I actually think this is *better* then a 3 mana 3/2 battle cry: draw a card, by quite a large margin.
  4. Oblivitron is slow, expensive, has terrible stats and its effect isn't that great since it only pulls it from your hand, and its on a death rattle. It is awful. The scheme is interesting. Priest has a lot of attack matters cards, the new forbidden card, shadow word pain, cabal shadow priest, etc, but it seems far too weak outside of those very specific combos, and those combos aren't even that impressive. Never discount 0 mana spells out of hand though. If priests get strong spell synergy it might see play simply because of that. My vote is still a no though.
  5. Looks strong and has a lot of potential, especially for control shaman. Seems a tad slow though. I think this card will be highly meta game dependent. I don't think it is strong enough to be an auto include in every shaman deck or even every control shaman deck, but I think it will be the go to option for fighting control match ups better as control shaman or slower mid ranged shamans. Plus the design is just so cool.
  6. Funny, flavorful, and very memey. Pretty bad though. Slow, not a whole lot of synergy, and lets be honest, not even that good when you hit something relevant with it.
  7. Rafaam is pretty bad, while yes original elise was good, most control warrior decks had strong fatigue plans, control warlocks generally don't (and they especially won't without guldan). They really want to close out the game with either RIn, or Mr. J. Plus, locks in general, play less "bad" cards compared to control warrior (IE useless cards in certain match ups). Evil miscreant seems pretty good value wise, but god awful for tempo. Plus lackeys lack spell synergy, which is where rogues tend to like there cheap value generation (IE spare parts). But we all know how well valu
  8. Honestly I think all three of these cards are a little meh. The mech is a great tempo play on turn 10, but that really isn't where tempo plays are particularly impactful. Still good at 10 mana, but I don't think its good enough to include a yeti in your deck the rest of the time. Plus warriors already have shield slam and execute. Improve morale seems pretty meh. Looks to be a worse blood to ichor (A card that often felt like the worst card in most warrior decks) in both tempo and control warrior decks. Feels like a 2/2 in control is still better then 3/5 of the lackeys, and the extra boa
  9. Speaking of lack of mods or deck curators, what ever happened to Aleco?
  10. This is a really shitty think to do. Oh well. While I don't think HotS is 100% guaranteed to die, I think there is a high likelihood. Less content means less people, which means less money and profitability, which means less development time, money and people (as in game devs and such) which leads to less content, which in turn leads to less people, which. . . you get the idea.
  11. Seems like a reasonable play. Anti-aggro tech has gotten a lot better over the years, so I am not entirely sure if it is as good as chow was, but if the meta has a lot of 2/2s or 1/2's in it, it will be amazing.
  12. I don't think high priest is going to be that great. Yes it covers up a lot of control/healadins weaknesses, it still has problems. The first being, a lot of your deck is still really bad against control, it just doesn't cease to function (unless of course you don't draw the high priest), and it allows you to survive a lot of OTK's, but. Control paladin just lacks a strong win condition. My own personal thoughts (and this probably won't work but hey this is a thought experiment for SCIENCE!) would be to run a strong anti aggro/healadin shell with all the new bells and whistles that are bein
  13. I kind of like it, miracle rogue runs mostly 3/3s and above. A 5 mana 5/5 draw a card for 5 is great. Probably depends on how much silence is teched into the meta.
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