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About TheEviscerator

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  1. @positiv2I feel the main concerns of this deck are that it lacks a completely reliable early game. You're right-the violet teachers were a bit clunky, so i swapped them out for murloc tidehunters to get some body on the board erleir and also for more shadowstep or brewmaster value.
  2. Hey guys, packed carverns below, and made this deck. Tried Moroes, but was a bit too slow. This is meant to be a hyperaggressive rogue deck 2 shadowstep 2 prep 2 backstab 1 carverns below 2 swashburglar 2 deckhand 2 boar 2 fire fly 1 patches 2 evis 2 youthful brewmaster 2 gadgetzan ferryman 2 ingenous elemental 1 fan of knives 2 coldlight oracle 1 edwin 2 violet teacher
  3. Is Small time tiny annoying piece of shit buccaneer invalid in this deck,or is he still the best choice after the nerf?
  4. How is the viability of the deck after the nerfs?spirit claws still seem decent,but small time cancer seemed to be hit hard...
  5. Anyway,took your advice and took out enforcer for spirit.I've also been thinking of -1truesilver and -1repentance for 2 shredders...hopefully itll work lol
  6. oh sorry i meant the 5mana4/4 [Grimestreet Enforcer] at the end of your turn give minions in hand a buff lol...but do i replace it anyways wait thats pretty cool...how do you add the card with the link like that?
  7. hey guys,ive made this super gimmicky wild paladin deck. Game plan is to aggro the guy,and if that fails smack him in the face for 32. 2smugglers rum 2 secret keeper 2noble sacrifice 2avenge 2redemption 2minibot 2grimstreet outfitter 2bluegill 2warleader 2divine favour 2muster for battle 1consecrate 2truesilver 1 grimstreet protector 2mystery challenger 2anyfin
  8. Holy shit guys,with this deck i managed to get to legend for the first time last month.Wow...i actually have more success with this than face shaman lol.Such a great deck.The best thing is Jade druids are now basically auto-win.
  9. Anyway to shoehorn spirit claws into this deck?im actually having good totem rng for once lol
  10. Any possible techs for me to stop,for want of a better phrase,getting anally violated by every control deck i see?
  11. replacement for alex please?
  12. I replaced dirty rat with loot hoarder and soulcaster with kabal courier,working well(or maybe its just me convincing myself budget options work too) PS:any way to make this deck more anti-aggro?any love for fallen hero?
  13. hey guys,this question is really about dragon decks in general:Why twilight guardian over twilight drake?usually i have a decent hand on turn 4,enough to make a 4/8 or better,plus it combos great with brann and is immune to other priests.
  14. Would the new secret where if ur opponent plays a minion it becomes a sheep or the greater arcane missiles epic be good here?btw,there doesnt seem to be a link from the original page to the comments,i only can get to this page by searching up "icyveins aggro tempo mage comments: on the internet
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