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About Sableflame

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  1. ... username checks out 😐
  2. Because the cubed weapon (Mojo - Ursua's Trodden Effigy) specifically amplifies that rune's ability (the damage affects the entire skill, but doubling the number of bears and sending them to the full extent of the screen is unique to the ZB rune, and makes them a trampling screen full of death, in combination with the other buffs triggered).
  3. The usual standard for Helms is a Diamond for CDR... however, other than the minuscule 10 sec cd on Bone Armor, nothing in this build is CD dependent, so that seems like it would be a waste. I would be curious to know myself if the RCR of the Topaz counts for the health drain of the various abilities... since that is the "resource" that is being spent to trigger them. Otherwise, use an Emerald for $ or a Ruby for quicker Paragon level-ups. I suppose if you're feeling brave (and very cosplay-ish), you could stuff the Red Soul Shard in there and struggle with the essence of Diablo
  4. Question regarding the newly updated Mempo of Twilight - the bonus Shower rune is only effective towards your actively cast Meteor (it doesn't trigger on the set bonus bonus meteors, which even with a top end video card, my video card thanks them for not doing that... that would be a lot of lights and thunder) - does the damage bonus ALSO only count towards your active Meteor, or does it also buff the passive Meteors? *EDIT* Also, since I've been playing with this, I thought I'd share the few modifications I've been using: Among skills - I dropped Teleport for Magic Weapon/Deflection
  5. 😐... I must be some weird kind of RNGesus blessed then, because I almost never get +MS% on my boots, other than the ones where it's a fixed stat. That being said... since MS% is in the core stat Paragon tree... having MS% isn't necessarily a complete loss, as you can move those points to your primary or vitality, as needed. ... and also, I'm lazy. Crafting 800 Pirate Kilts looking for the sexiest one doesn't move my needle... phrasing.
  6. OK, so... I've got a question that I've seen on... literally dozens of builds. In builds that utilize the Captain Crimson set, you unilaterally include the pants as the 2nd piece (the waist being the standard that interferes with practically no other set) - however, the main class set leg pieces always have a standard 2-socket roll on them (being one of the most desired possible rolls), whereas the CC legs are not guaranteed a socket roll. Why not have the CC boots as the default 2nd piece instead? Boots (other than some rare exceptions) all have the same bonus rolls available to the
  7. I mean... you always get a few legendaries/set items from other classes during your Season run (hell, my Primal 70 for S23 was for a completely different class 😞 ), so it's not like you couldn't hard farm these all up from simple mass, wanton slaughter (and even better not having to beg Kadala/Kanai to be nice to you). It's possible they may simply dislodge Ethereals from the SmartLoot system and let them drop willy-nilly, since they're planning on having them fall SOMEWHERE between 1% and .25% drop range...
  8. OK, so I tried THIS version of the build... but what do we do to force our MIs to actually USE Spectral Blades? Whenever I cast them then teleport away to channel D-beam, my MIs just come running back over to and behind me and cast ranged spells... they rarely, if ever, will use SB.
  9. It would seem that a LoD version of this would be eminently suitable for posting: Helm: Leoric's Crown Shoulders: Pauldrons of the Skeleton King Gloves: Magefist / St. Archew's Gage (offense or defense, take your pick) Chest: Aquila Cuirass / Heart of Iron (defense or offense, take your pick) Belt: Pride of Cassius / The Undisputed Champion (defense or offense, take your pick) Pants: Depth Diggers (unless I'm missing something here... I'm pretty sure 80-100% more Frenzy damage is better than 20% more Fire (Frenzy) damage) Boots: Illusory Boots / Ice Climbers (personal preferen
  10. Blainie/Deadset - there are some serious questions/concerns raised by this build that haven't been addressed. The last response from y'all was nearly 2 years ago, and yet this build is listed at the top of the WD high-tier chart... 1) Sacred Harvester & Lakumba's Ornament are still included in the text of the write-up, despite having been replaced (along with the previous Helltooth pieces) with Echoing Fury, Aughild's wrist/shoulder, and Depth Diggers. This leaves a MASSIVE defense hole for this build... even on T14 I was getting shot up by standard Skeleton Archers. The 15% DR from A
  11. So, I went and tried a Thor Hydra build (see site message board) and it... did well, until it didn't. There's simply not enough Ltng multiplicative bonuses in the game to make it viable (it topped out at 93, probably would have made ~100 with a little better gear/player). Once that went Tango Uniform, I've been using a variant of this build, with the following changes: -Elemental Exposure, +Unstable Anomaly - since they made the choice on the Scoundrel either his cheat death or his massive DPS cloud... you don't otherwise have an "oops" card to play. Granted, I've thus far (up to GR1
  12. Ah, I see what you're getting at. This would not work for me as my follower's Head, Waist, Feet, and Legs are dedicated to the Cain's and Sage's set, while the rest are: Shoulders - Spaulders of Zakara Hands - Gloves of Worship Wrists - Nemesis Bracers Ring1 - RoRG Ring2 - Avarice Band / Unity Neck - The Flavor of Time Chest - Goldskin ... I am an Emanate *filtered* 😄 That one isn't too hard, except that it's a proc within a proc - Paralysis triggers MH, however Paralysis is only triggered by Lightning SPELLS (i.e. abilities on your skill bar ONLY). Thunderfury, Arcs
  13. For anyone else who does also happen to read this... something I mused about while Leaderboard watching: I don't know what Paragon level some of these guys here at IV are at. They make terrific builds and guides, that much is true. However, other players - don't get discouraged if you're not "up there" even when using these builds and using them right. The very top of the US Wizard Leaderboards are a couple of guys with Paragon levels over ELEVEN THOUSAND, and hitting GR150. I've owned D3 almost since launch (long enough ago that I made money on the real world Auction House
  14. Thank you. I do try and find new and fun ways to mix things up. Regarding a few of your points: Crit on Amulet - if you can get it all, that would be optimal. I listed Ltng% on it simply as that is one of the only places you CAN get it. Crit is available in many others. The build's entire damage output is lightning, so a flat 20% boost felt stronger than a slight bump to the chance at a spike. Personal taste, I guess. Manald Heal and Ltng% - I will leave this one to the experts, as so many interactions between items and bonuses are variable in the coding between what does and wh
  15. Thoughts on a well-rolled Leoric's Crown versus Pride's Fall? Leoric's will give you a static RCR increase that scales with the quality of the roll, with no drawbacks or limitations. Pride's Fall encourages you to not get hit, which isn't always a possibility - and losing that 30% RCR can/will endanger your 50% Aquila DR, further complicating your situation. PF comes with static Primary, Vitality, Crit, +2 - which means you'll always roll off at least Vitality and hope your +2 is at least one of Socket/Arcane Orb% so you can get the other. LC comes with static Primary, Sock
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