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About Nightwinds

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  1. Did somebody say "Warlock"?
  2. I would still fly, it's more efficient. I'm not telling anyone to not fly, I just think it was a bad addition to begin with... The last bit of my statement simply said this is the compromise. People are acting like there is no compromise at all from blizz.
  3. I'm a firm believer that flying is one of the worst concepts they added to the game. The thing were running into more and more now a days is people who don't have the time to play a RPG but want the game to adapt to them. Flying is just another one of those things that takes away from the epic feeling of a giant world, and player interaction. Also plenty of flight paths in convenient locations in modern wow. The compromise is that they are even putting it back in the game. If you recall in Warlords, they planned to scrap flying entirely.
  4. Into the start of BoD, looking for a solid healer and 1 ranged dps!
  5. Juicy changes. How about that elixir to understand opposite factions though....
  6. The question that should have been asked.... "With the overwhelming number of guilds that were 10 man with split raid size raiding, why did you choose to go with 20 man and will we ever see Mythic raiding come back to 10 man size? Smaller mid progression guilds fall apart so easily, people just want to play with their friends." Maybe add something about allowing flex for Mythic but locking the "Hall of Fame" to 20 man only as to keep the world race a "pristine accomplishment" for those who value that. I get the whole bit of some fights are easier than others with more or
  7. Looking for Ranged DPS and Healers to move forward with us!
  8. I think these changes are looking nice!
  9. something something beta for azeroth something something
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