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About Framling

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  1. Hello, everyone! <Like A Boss> is a guild first formed back in The Wrath of the Lich King. (As you can tell by the guild name) CURRENT PROGRESS: We are currently 2/13 Heroic HFC - our first night in H HFC as a guild, for those wondering. Our first guild Archimonde kill was just this week. WHO WE ARE: We are a small group of players who recently came back to the game, and we are looking to recruit more players to establish a stable player base for Legion. Most players in this guild previously raided Heroic WOTLK, including Lich King Heroic, before quitting in early Cata. GOALS: Our ult
  2. Ah. So I should more or less make my burn phase last as long as arcane power, essentially? I know that's something I'm DEFINITELY not doing - I've been burning down to 50% mana and extending it when I can with supernovas, arcane missiles, and so on. In fights that are a lot of movement like Xul I sometimes NEVER evocate until phase 4 because there's so much movement that I regen to full... That's probably the single biggest thing I'm doing wrong, then - I really didn't understand that burn phase was dependent on arcane power, not on mana, per se. I'll see how that feels on dummies, then.
  3. LOG: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/TA2vBqcFfm8aVpXn#type=damage-done&fight=27&source=3 I hope that links right - I have no logs on Butcher/etc, but this is the most stand-still raid encounter I can think of. I hope that's okay! I didn't have to do more than a little moving, and this is pretty indicative of my DPS in most encounters that aren't a lot of cleaving or movement (My dps is pretty bad in fights like Xul'H or Iskar as well, but they're probably a lot harder to read) Armory: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/bloodscalp/Sunfury/simple As you can see, I hav
  4. bnet friended in game - id be happy to play my mage w/ you guys, if you don't mind gearing it up and giving me time to really learn the rotation. Be aware I will never be able to make all three raids each week - I can never make that weekend raid.
  5. Hey, all - Looking for a guild to call home for the remainder of the x-pac and going forwards Horde Raid Availability (all times EST/EDT) *10 PM Tuesday - ~9 AM Wednesday *10 PM Wednesday - ~9 AM Thursday I work nights/3rd/whatever, and have Weds + Thurs morning off - West Coast guilds are probably going to be more likely to have these raid times. Characters - *Level 100 Holy Priest Ilvl 692 *Level 100 Protection Warrior Ilvl 696 *Level 100 Mage 640 Ilvl lol. Holy priest is my main - I have not been healing long (3 days played on this character, only character I've ever raided as
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