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About Damunzta

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  1. Thanks for hosting the competition, it means a lot to the poor sods who didn't get tagged by Blizzard. I'm definitely going Demon Hunter in Legion, and hoping that my Death Knight will find it in his icy heart to one day forgive me. I have a thing for Hero Classes it would seem, but I've wanted DH's ever since I read the lore about Illidan and read the War of the Ancients trilogy. As for NPC's, I want the big guy in the Mardum class hall: Illidan Stormrage please.
  2. With so many new additions to the game, picking out the single best of the bunch is hard! If I'm to be entirely honest with myself though, I'm looking the most forward to the Demon Hunter class, and I know that it's one of the key features that most of my friends are excited for as well. I've got some fond memories of the previous hero class experience, and I've already set up a "let's level DH's together" deal with two friends whom I play with regularly. One of them leveled a Death Knight with me back in Wrath, and that DK remains my main to this day. I'm hoping the new class might take t
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