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About GrindCore

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  1. Why not buff the rest? It seems that that is the way they are taking with underperforming specs.
  2. The big deal is she doing it for YOU. I guess you don't know about that 😕
  3. This happened to me. Back when WoW launched in EU (february 2005). She reluctantly tried WoW with the free 10 days pass that came with my Collectors Edition. Some months later we were downing Nepharian 1st on server (Earthen Ring - EU PVE RP, june of 2005) together. I played a resto druid, she played a holy pally. We still play to this day, same chars, in Shadowlands. Needless to say, she is now my wife.
  4. Lúcio ball is an event that belongs to summer event, not anniversary event, so I'm guessing it will come back.. in summer.
  5. Man, that sucks :( Hope you enjoy your playtime at least :) and maybe you have mad luck with the boxes! :D
  6. Just be sure to not do it TOO SOON.... it has dire consequences :D
  7. *With the voice of Majordomo Executus* "I admit! I admit!" :D
  8. Hi there Kendric! First of all thank you for all the awesome guides and help and contribution in general to the HotS community :) I just wanted to point out some outdated information in this Morales guide. It's regarding Cleanse. First you describe: Cleanse cannot be used on yourself. But later you state: Cleanse provides a short crowd control reduction, which means it can be used preemptively on Lt. Morales herself to get her out of dangerous spots in time. So you see, with a quick edit it won't be confusing for newcomers. Thanks again and keep the good jo
  9. Hi there! I've been using Icy-Veins for some time now, so it's nice to come here and share some WoW stories Been playing WoW since vanilla, got myself into a raiding guild, Lost Chapter (Earthen Ring EN-RP), where I got the luck of doing most of the 1st boss kills on the server. It was a glorious age and I can't imagine I can ever feel the same again. Luckily most of the friends I made are still real life friends, ppl from all Europe and beyond, so even when I don't raid anymore I got the best part still So, Legion is coming, 11 years have passed and I still play WoW, most just l
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