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About DeathKat

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  1. thanks Vlad. That is actually very helpful. i do use Soul reaper like u said i just forgot to mention it. my bad. however i do have another question about auto attacks. it seems as if i get procs more often if i let a couple auto's land? is this just my imagination? As far as ask mr.Robot i tried that and my dps went from what i mentioned earlier to about 25k. and i got in big trouble from my guild. Not really big trouble but u know. so they recommended i get reforge lite? ok or not so much? seems to be working great so far.
  2. Hey guys/gals. I have been playing wow for a long time, but just alone maybe with a friend. Quests & dungeons mainly. Never raided until mop. Legit Raid. Anyhow, needless to say im ignorant to all the stats and rotations and maxxing dps per my gear and stats. I ask ppl ingame for help to no avail other than look it up. So i read and read and still don't understand what im doing wrong other than maybe my rotation but my dps fluxuates so much from day to day doing the same dailies or dungeons. Now we raid MV every tuesday and my guild says im improving, i just think that with the gear i have
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