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About Dyaeblca

  • Rank
  • Birthday February 2

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Copenhagen, Denmark
  1. I don't think it's out of place right now: The sky is falling!
  2. About us: 'Crescent' is an adult, English-speaking guild which strives for progress and excellence in game play. We're looking for mature players who enjoy a very sociable atmosphere as well as a healthy progression with no yelling or finger-pointing in raids. Most of our core raiders come from Scandinavia & UK, the average age is around 26 (both co-gms are 30+, very experienced, raiding/leading since Vanilla). Our progression: 5.1: 5/16 hc (the guild transferred to Khadgar in February) 5.2: 2/12 Raid times: Wednesday, Sunday, Monday 19:20 - 23:00 Requirements: - 21 years
  3. About us: 'Crescent' is an adult, English-speaking guild which strives for progress and excellence in game play. We're looking for mature players who enjoy a very sociable atmosphere as well as a healthy progression with no yelling or finger-pointing in raids. Most of our core raiders come from Scandinavia & UK, the average age is around 26 (both co-gms are 30+, very experienced, raiding/leading since Vanilla). We have recently moved to another realm (Khadgar) due to difficulties with recruiting competent and dedicated raiders on our old server, what has had the obvious effect on our p
  4. 'Crescent' is an adult, semi-hardcore, English-speaking guild which strives for progress and excellence in game play. We're looking for mature players who enjoy a very sociable atmosphere in a guild as well as healthy progression with no yelling or finger-pointing in raids. Our guild reputation is very important to us, so we expect all applicants to be good ambassadors at all times. Raid times: Wednesday, Sunday, Monday 19:20 - 23:00 Current progression: Mogu'shan Vaults 5/6 heroic Heart of Fear 6/6 normal Terrace of the Endless Spring 4/4 normal Requirements: - 21 years of age or ab
  5. Progression updated. All classes open now except warlock and paladin.
  6. 'Dusk' is a semi-hardcore, English-speaking guild with members from around the globe who strive for progress and excellence in game play. You can expect to find a friendly atmosphere amongst our members, with lots of helping hands whenever you need them, and no yelling or finger-pointing in raids. We're looking for mature players who enjoy a very sociable atmosphere in a guild as well as healthy progression. Our Guild reputation is very important to us, so we expect all applicants to be good ambassadors at all times. Raid times: Wednesday, Sunday, Monday 19:20 - 23:00 Current progression:
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