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About Talabas

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  • Birthday 10/24/1970

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    Zurich, Switzerland
  1. Wasn't dumb at all, a perfectly valid question! May those crits count...!
  2. One other thing, you can use http://chardev.org to change your gemming strategy and import that into Simulationcraft if you want to see what effect it has on your DPS. (You can also use that site to change gear, enchants, etc. to create all kind of "What If" scenarios). Just make sure you use a decent number of interations within Simulationcraft, at least 10000 but preferably higher if you're fine waiting longer for it to do its work.
  3. Wow, I'm not saying the results are wrong but I'm surprised that haste is coming out so high when you're running Simulcraft. As you mention that you're quite new to the software, can I just check that you've downloaded the latest version from http://www.simulationcraft.org and that you've set at least 10000 iterations from Simulcraft's options (the default of 1000 is not sufficient if you want any reasonable level of accuracy)? Also ensure that you're selecting all the stats you want to analyse from the "Scaling" tab under Options. You can also change the style of boss fight within the Opt
  4. Both simulations and real-world experience are showing that crit is ahead of mastery. As you say, crit is going to affect everything and the extra damage (particularly from extra Obliterate crits) outweighs the gains you get from the increased Frost Strike and Frost Fever damage. The only other significant ability that mastery affects is Howling Blast which you're only regularly going to be using on Rime procs and for AoE.
  5. Once 2 points of haste are worth more than 1 point of strength then, yes, it makes sense to gem haste in preference to strength. Exactly when you start doing this depends on your individual stat weights so you'd need to check them using a decent simulation tool such as Simulationcraft. I'm currently averaging item level 484 on my DK and strength still appears to be the way to go in my personal case (and it appears to be a while until I'm going to need to take the haste gemming strategy). In particular, for boss fights with significant movement, the value of haste drops considerably compared
  6. Calculating any reasonably accurate stats for a character takes 10 minutes or so on decent PC hardware with Simulationcraft and although the servers that AskMrRobot uses may be more powerful than my trusty PC, they have to deal with many more requests at the same time. There's no way they can calculate stat weighting for an individual character within a few seconds. AskMrRobot claims that for my character one point of haste is worth more than half a point of strength and alters its gemming strategy based on those results. A direct run of Simulationcraft for my character shows that for a tan
  7. I'm not sure which sims you are referring to but Simulationcraft will certainly calculate your own personal stat weights (which vary considerably from the ilvl 509 weights mentioned on Elitist Jerks' site when you've not got BiS gear). Which simulations blindly use such published weights?
  8. One big problem with this approach is there's going to be times where you'll waste Pillar of Frost's effects, e.g. there are some boss phases where you're going to be very mobile and outside melee range but will still be firing off some Howling Blasts to at least do *some* damage. In such cases it can be a much bigger DPS gain to use Pillar once that phase is over and you're back using your full range of abilities. Better to get used to keeping an eye on Pillar of Frost's cooldown and macro'ing it in with Raise Dead and any other items that will give an instantaneous boost to strength (trink
  9. Firstly, a big congratulations and thanks on a great Frost DK guide. Icy Veins is rapidly becoming the number 1 source for complete and accurate guides. Having said that, I do have to disagree with the update to the Frost 2H gemming guide. For the vast majority of Frost 2H DKs, gemming for strength over haste will still result in a higher DPS. AskMrRobot uses the stat values from the Elitist Jerks site which apply to a DK fully kitted out in Best-in-Slot gear (that site has even been updated with a warning about blindly using those stats). With that level of gear (ilvl 509), one point of has
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