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About Trixabell

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  1. Demo needed to get nerfed - I'm leveling a tank and several healers, and there are way too many level 30-50 players who think that demo locks are tanks. It's hard to keep them alive while paying attention to the tank, too...they don't realize that cloth armor doesn't protect you very well.
  2. I've played my main toon, Trixabell, as a destro lock since she hit level 10 18 months ago. (That's when I first got into WoW myself.) I've tried demo and aff in both Cata and MoP and they're just not fun to me. After spending the last 2 months reading how much better aff is than destro or demo for 90 raids, I dualed Trix to aff and set about trying to learn how to play her. The results? 1/2 the DPS as aff that I can get as destro and 1/100th of the fun. Despite reading the Icy Veins guides, and guides from several other sites, I just can't get the hang of aff and I keep playing as dest
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