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About NEkromanT

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  1. I'll play druid, wasn't my main during the previous expansions but the class really grew on me during WoD for some reason. I don't know much about druid NPC's, I guess if some Wild God would make appearance like Ursoc or Cenarius without corruption. But I guess they gonna be more occupied with thirsty players in Emerald Nightmare. :P
  2. Yep, in the light of Chronicle Vol. 1 this video is pretty outdated. I kinda hate that his first real appearance is in card game for kids. Not only it diminish mysteries about him in the WoW, but it also allows to make cards like Brood of N'zoth which looks like a fucking gummy bear (or elephant or whatever). Everything connected to the Old Gods should be terrifying, not kinda cute. wtf
  3. Really hope that Draenor designers got fired. Must be the case, since I can't really wrap my head around the idea that same minds that came up with crap like Everbloom or Highmaul could deliver such things as Eye of Azshara or Emerald Nightmare raid. Design of the PVE content in Legion promises huge things, hope Blizzard will deliver and even expand it with content patches, again unlike Draenor. And I really wonder who will be the main villain of the expansion, will we fight Azshara in the last raid? Illiadan? Avatar of Sargeras? Can't wait!
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