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About MuffyNoi

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  1. I will definitely main Death Knight in Legion, as I have in every expansion since WotLK! Considering how much identity and lore they have behind them (and the amount of added badass-ery they are getitng in Legion), I couldn't possibly justify playing anything else. My hope for a NPC in the class hall would be Teron Gorefiend, one of the OG Death Knights in Warcraft! His spirit is still waiting for a suitable host, so not only would it be awesome, but would also be possible!
  2. What I am really looking forward to in Legion is the development of the classes to make them more unique, distinguished and special. I like that Blizzard is making it easier to immerse yourself in your character by making you feel different from the other classes, like the class halls, legendary artifacts and questlines. It has been done before in WoW, with a few quest lines (like the warlock green fire quest chain), but never seen much impact in how you might see your character. My absolute favorite WoW moment was in WotLK, when doing the quest chain for the Wrath Gate in Dragonblight for
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