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About ETalex

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  1. I have been playing hunter end expansion in WoD and really do enjoy the class. It has a high mobility and some good abilities that can aid the raid. If not I will main a Demon Hunter, because they look AWESOME! I am very much looking forward for Illidan's redeption story, which I expect it to be, as he is my favourite NPC in the wow universe. Hopefully he will show up in the Order Hall :-) However, my favourite hunter character must be Alleria Windrunner due to her internesting story! Hopefully she will show up at my Order hall!
  2. I am super excited to try out the new leveling zones and their lore. With the artifact weapon in hand, we will take down Gul'dan and perhaps some demons along the way! All in all: Artifact weapon, raids and leveling experience. cheers, Alex
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