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About gregorypoet

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  1. Hello! I used to play WoW about 5 or so years ago (I stopped playing during Burning Crusade). I was young and my addictive personality took over. Before I knew it, I had dropped out of school, lost my job, and then my apartment. Was that WoW's fault? Nah. That was me just using WoW as an excuse. Fast forward to now, I'm much older and wiser, happily married with a career and can better balance gaming and real life. So with all of that being said, let me now say I'm excited for Legion! I missed out on so much it seems, with Wrath of the Lich King and Mists of Pandaria. I'm thrilled wi
  2. Absolutely NOT! I completely agree with the idea that if something in a game can be considered too sexual, that child shouldn't be playing that game. On one hand, kudos to mom for paying attention to her child's interest and making sure her child doesn't play anything inappropriate. But on the other hand, I don't think game designers should have to change anything about their game to fit the demands of the parents.
  3. Hello. I really like your posts. I have a question: You mention something about "mass milling" and being able to craft while AFK. Is this an add-on or program that will allow you to do this like COMPLETELY AFK, (like when you're at work), or is it something like clicking "mass mill" and then walking away from the computer? I'm new to inscriptions and milling and the like, forgive my ignorance.
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