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About Mightyred

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  1. I think these changes and removals have to be good for the game. I have been thinking for a while now that the new sets are having less and less impact on the game (with a few exceptions) because for the pro/top players it is too easy to take a current core deck, and tweak it here and there with a couple of new cards, job done. Azure drake is everywhere, and so is Rag, taking these cards out will mean people with have to have a good think about the core build of decks, think how many have 2 x drake and rag in .... That and the changes to the ladder make me a happy bunny! Exciti
  2. This is a lot of fun, so I have two more servers to play it on, Asia is going to be a challenge with only a small card pool - and I love the Diablo card back :--)
  3. i went with pala using mini bot, steward of darkness azure drake, tidefine bile hunter barnes compitative spirit, totally surprised myself how well that worked. fun brawl
  4. I personally think it's a real shame that someone had to spoil the fun for everyone else. But, there is always one I guess. I think they guy is great fun, and went about his reveal in a very mature way though! He is also a very talented hearthstoner.
  5. Thijs was also playing Aggro Shaman early this morning.
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