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About GolfMike

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  1. I died with my staff in hardcore, made a T3 game (PC) and got 3/4 in one game (call it luck) in adventure mode. Chilltara seems to be the only pain in the butt for me to find.
  2. 1 - Pulse Strike 4 - Parting Gift 7 - Jumper or Spatial Echo 10 - Pulse Rounds 13 - Ricochet 16 - Sleight of Hand 20 - Get Stuffed Basics - always be shooting, back off when reloading until you get Sleight of Hand Basic Rotation: Blink > Melee Learn to use the juke, only recall when it is to your advantage or when you want to remove debuffs. When possible target heroes, not NPCs. Be ready to blink when fighting against any character with a pull or movement ability. Once you get good at it you'll really make them mad. You'll learn to love people who run away from Trace
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