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About icecoldsoul

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  1. Good day guys Just a quick question.. I have strongarm bracers with better rolls than my saguinary vambraces.. but im not running condemned build.. So which should i pick? The sb or sv? Thanks for time to answer.. both are ancients btw
  2. Hello! When it comes to Thorns builds, the Ancient vs. non-Ancient problem is much less pronounced (it doesn't come into play until you consider augmenting). The damage roll can be completely disregarded and rolled away for a better stat, making the weapon a stat stick. I'd probably run the weapon with the best synergistic stats (STR, CDR, IAS, AD...) Thanks a lot.. Umm a quick question.. which can push further in gr solo? Invoker thorns? Or LoN bombardment type? Does lon bombardment build in last season still as feasible as it was?
  3. Hi deadset! First, i want to thank you for providing guides as this one helps me a lot in last season.. didnt have much time to enjoy my crus since i started playing d3 just late last march.. so i decided to pick crus again this season.. Just a quick question with weapon I have ancient eung dang joo and normal hack with both similar rolls.. umm which should i pick to use my 1st ramaladnis gift.. I know later this season ill get all ancients i wanted but for now i want to know which will help me progress faster.. Thanks and more power
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