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About Mavco

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  1. Hello and thanks for the answer! First of all I'm sorry for the "Legendaries/Ancients" and "Lost Souls/Forgotten Souls" mistakes, it was late at night and I didn't double check the post... I waited to say this not to double post. Anyways: 1. I didn't notice it, it was sort of a late acquisition, so I didn't process it yet; 2. Yep, reforged it lately so I didn't reroll that yet; 3. On Bnet won't show, but I'm pretty sure I had to reroll for the socket... It has to be reforged entirely sooner or later, it depends on when I'll reroll a decent Ancient Vo'Toyias; 4. Same as before, I remember
  2. Hello! First of all thanks to the community and to Deadset for the fabulous builds! I've read around and I have a pair of (probably silly) questions: I followed thoroughly the guide and assembled this crusader http://eu.battle.net/d3/en/profile/Mavco-2547/hero/38552936 Problem is: I'm stuck using Unity instead of CoE in Kanai and Diamonds instead of Rubies, and that's just to face GR60-62, I don't dare to go on since I got thrashed too many times. I really, REALLY love this build since it reminds me much of Diablo & DII with all the fun hack and slash... On to the questions: Is my equ
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