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About Zurt17

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  1. Well keybinds do help alot in my experience instead of mouse clicking on abilities/skills/etc, specially if you have specific rotations or priorities and need to react fast to mechanics at the same time during encounters. With that said you don't need some shift+ctrl+etc crazy keybind, just get a mmo mouse or some other peripheral to help you on that if you don't feel comfortable with just keyboard keybinding. On the dps part, after you adapt to keybinds you will definitely see an increase on it.
  2. I will be maining my windwalker monk (previously secondary character), allways liked the appeal of the spec both in solo and group content with strong cleaving and mobility/survivability. And its looking even better in legion with changes finally being made on the SEF department. On the npc side i would love to see lorewalker cho, but it would also be nice to have represented different npc races as monks in the order hall, since monk lore was allways pandaren heavy.
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