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Everything posted by Trishan37

  1. Thank you for changing it for me. I was unaware of how it was to be typed.
  2. <PERPETUAL> Perpetual is an established raiding guild on Eonar/Velen Alliance. We are currently recruiting Healers and DPS for our Mythic raid group. We are laid back for the most part on farm but when progression is on we like to take things more serious. Raid Times Mon/Tues/Thurs - Required - 9pm-12:30am EST Raider expectations: All raiders are expected to be on and prepared; Flasks, Pots, Runes, BiS Food, and repaired; 15-20 mins before raid time. We are currently raiding Mon Tues and Thurs 9pm to 12:30am EST unless stated otherwise before raid. Raiders are also urged to k
  3. I'll main my Shaman. I really enjoyed playing enhancement and resto during wod. I am really looking forward to seeing what they can do in legion. As for a favorite NPC I don't really have a favorite. If I had to choose I would choose one of the dragons like Alexstraza
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