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About Fingenn

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  1. Guild: VoA Server: Korgath US Faction: Alliance Style: Casual/Hardcore Raid Times: Tues 7-10pm CST Thurs 8-11pm (normal not progression) CST Sunday 7-10pm CST ( 2 Days Progression, 1 farm (optional) ) Current Progression: - <VoA> (est 2004) is currently looking for competitive players for casual Mythic progression! We are a group of players that have been playing together for years. Casual-Hardcore, being said that means we like to accomplish as much as possible in the time we raid and with efficiency. Currently we are looking for exceptional players to ro
  2. Guild: VoA Server: Korgath Faction: Alliance Raid Times: Tues/(Wed or Thurs up for vote) 8-11PM CST (server time) 9PM-12AM EST Guild: VoA Server: Korgath Faction: Alliance Raid Times: Tues/(Wed or Thurs up for vote) 8-11PM CST (server time) 9PM-12AM EST Current Progression: - <VoA> is currently looking for competitive players for Heroic then Mythic progression for Legion! We are a group of players that have been playing together for years. Casual-Hardcore, being said that means we like to accomplish as much as possible in the time we raid with efficiency. Currently
  3. Going to be main tanking on a bear. Have always played a druid mainly resto and bear off tank, where my hunter was main since 04. but need a change. Also want to try survival hunter for some dps
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