Okay, I think I have the math right. But no way would I have been able to figure that out in game......
1. 4 Mana: Play Warsong Commander and Frothing. = W: 2/3, F:2/4, P:3/2, P:3/2
2. 1 Mana: Play Fiery. Hit Belcher. Play both Dreads. = W:2/3, F:3/4, P:3/2, P:3/2, D:3/3, D:3/3
3. Run One Dread into Belcher. Run one 3/2 Patron into 1/2 Slime= W:2/3, F:7/4, P:3/2, P:3/1, D:3/3, P:3/3
4. 1 Mana: Go Face with 3/1 then Whirlwind. = W:2/2, F:13/3, P:3/1, D:3/2, P:3/2, P:3/3, P:3/3
5. 1 Mana: Slam 3/3 Patron. Go face with everything = W:2/2, F:14/3, P:3/2, D:3/2, P:3/2, P:3