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Kokuendan last won the day on July 1 2016

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About Kokuendan

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  1. I'd say it's worth a mention, I doubt it takes more time to write the code than to write the changes on the patch notes. It may seem fringe stuff but when you plan to crash a token into a freezing, resummon it and evolve everything using all your mana, you don't want for that to be the moment when you discover your token's cost was upped up by one (granted you can read the mana cost on the card, but reading and Hearthstone player rarely go together). I still fail to understand why Frothing takes 3 damage from Lightbomb, are you telling me he takes damage, the ability triggers and THE
  2. I had kinda the same and opposite feelings at the same time, I usually wanted to discover big stuff on the first turns since the pirates were already there, so that I could play on curve later and have the big shots ready for the later turns. Call of the Wild was the pick every time it appeared though, regardless of the turn.
  3. Not a fan of Eater of Secrets either, but since more than half my opponents were Secret Paldins and Secret Hunters with some Freeze Mage in between, it was a necessary tech. Assassinate is there to bypass big minions like Tirion so considering Sylvanas addresses the same problem it is the most likely cut, thanks for the input.
  4. I've got a Deathrattle Raptor Tempo deck, and since today I crafted a Sylvanas I wanted to ask suggestions on what to swap out for her: http://www.hearthpwn.com/deckbuilder/rogue#471:2;92:2;7756:2;395:2;382:2;7738:2;286:2;27220:2;378:2;42021:1;542:2;31121:1;12191:2;568:1;280:2;7746:1;7749:1;27254:1 I'd keep Rafaam since Control is a pretty common opponent, but for the rest I don't really know.
  5. judging from the contest I think he was talking about Arcane Giant, but it's only speculation.
  6. I somewhat managed to win the first try, I believe the poor guy I've been paired with had no idea what was going on judging how he was ramming everything into Nefarian, on Phase 3 everything died and he kept ramming everything he summoned, thank god at the very end I managed to make his Al'Akir a 22/22 and keep him alive enough.
  7. I surely won't play this more than one time, It's going to be a nightmare waiting to be matched up with someone competent, and It may not even be enough...
  8. I feel the need to clarify something about the argument: Hearthstone is a game where you need to entrust yourself to luck sometimes, but I believe that there are ways to manipulate your luck at least (manipulating opponent's luck is much more situational and harder). First part may sound strange, but the starting point is deckbuilding. Choosing whether to include something like Yogg-Saron in your deck is already showing how much you're comfortable with letting luck affect your games (and I strongly believe that whoever has Yogg-Saron as a win condition cannot complain about any luck he br
  9. Most of the guides are geared towards beating Heroic mode, so you should already have those cards. For Normal mode usually normal decks are good enough.
  10. I got a first turn Nat Pagle while doing the mission, didn't even drew a card. I actually lost at my first try because I didn't understand how the deck worked.
  11. I have a compulsive need to defend things that are universally hated. You say that Purify is trash and utterly useless, I say Purify is trash but it has some use if you really need to waste time playing the worst deck of the worst class, not much but I'm giving it more of a chance than most people. I don't really think it's worse than Magma Rager honestly, but I do think Am'gam Rager is already better than that, I'm just asking to compare trash with other trash so that the comparison is actually fair. I'm trying to rate the card in a vacuum, so I'm giving at least some points but if
  12. They could change it to something else, but it's clear they won't so we have to either make it work or forget about Purify. The "you need to have both cards in your hand" part is not totally true, you don't need Eerie Statue + Purify, you need Eerie Statue + a silence, having more silence should be the way to help the deck's consistency, and I say it's not even a card you should play early, to silence an Ancient Statue on turn 3 an Owl would be better so you get an extra body, Purify is more of a late-game card with the intention to help with card advantage since unlike your opponent y
  13. I spotted a mention of Explosive Sheep in the card swaps section, someone may want to fix that.
  14. I don't always fight Face Shaman, but when I do I open 2 Divine Spirits after mulligan.
  15. That is the issue but since it was addressed in the video by Ben Brode I thought it wasn't necessary to bring it up again since it seems they realize what went wrong. I do believe that Purify was never meant to compete for Silence, it was meant as an additional silence with added refuel to make the "Silence Priest" more consistent, so I feel this comparison is a moot point because they were meant to be run together in the first place.
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