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About upirlikhyi

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  • Birthday 05/13/1971

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    gaming, sports, music and tatts

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  1. Since these are normal instance difficulty wise when the DF dungeon weekly comes up next week does it apply to these instances or not since they are not on a que system like normal and heroics?
  2. upirlikhyi

    Hunter's Mark

    As I have just returned to playing a hunter and was not aware of HM not being a dmg buff anymore please disregard this post. A friendly person on WoWhead was nice and explained it to me
  3. Just returned to WoW and bought DF and every since I came back. When I log in to the game for the first time that day the gamma is reset to 1. Every server does this and both with and without addons. Any ideas?
  4. Post on MMO says announcement date Feb 28th. It's April now I wouldn't believe any of that post imho
  5. an answer anywhere on this. What is the difference between solo mode and campaign? I can't find a thing on that? TYIA
  6. k tyvm at least i dont have to farm ap on my alts lol
  7. Havent really gotten a full answer anywhere on this....so hitting the wonderful people here who alway give good info about after bfa drops in aug if we level a toon thru legion will we use the burned out no trait artifact weps we have now or will it go back to normal weps for the toons? I know my 101 on beta that i copied has the weps equiped but no traits so im curious if we can just use normal ones again
  8. No...like the WoD cards of omens you can flip to get the epic cards. There are ones for cata and mop and if they are not in game i wont make em :)
  9. Leveling a new scribe and I know the Wod Epic cards are there but are the others stilll there. I have a ton of herbs i can use but if they are not then i woont ty
  10. it says here its haste to -8k then vers but the recomended ring enchants are crit. Should I use a haste enchant til i get to 8k then go vers to 3k then crit or should I just do crit on rings now? for an arc mage
  11. K thank you. I think my whole issue is I got behind in my AP and ranks due to personal issues. I also know I need to get some run thru relics. My playtime and ability to do mythics and mythic+ is increasing here soon so I hope i catch up quick
  12. And I have looked at several sites and each site gives me a different set of stat priorites. And I am confused on which set to go with. Outlaw rogue and here is one set, Mr Robot is another, Shadowcraft is another and then wowheroes is another. any suggestions on which to follow?
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